Poul Jakobsen, Denmark
Well, I thought I could write you in Italien, but let my try my English before I forget it. I found your homepage by an accident, and I was pleased to see your photos from Viareggio where I stayed for more than 3 years. It's way back in time and years, but in that specific year 1958, we educated your scandinavians in the Colombo Collegium. When I write "we", I must underline, that I did'nt take part in the seminars, I was a young student in the mysteries of marble and granite. When I returned to Denmark I got married, got kids and we spent every year our vacasion on the beautiful beaches at Viareggio. Still I have a lot of my old friends on the phone, on the screen here and it is a wonderful feeling still being able to speek the beautiful language. Therefore I'll close my letter saying stai mi bene, non ci vedremo - ma pero, non si sa mai" tante belle cose, ciao, Poulino.